how to choose the right size

If you’ve got a projector, you need a projector screen. It’s a simple fact, but one which hides a multitude of questions – most notably ‘how big should my projector screen be?’

It’s an issue that many of our customers grapple with and although there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for homes, businesses and schools, there are a few tips out there which make the whole ordeal as simple as possible.

So, what size of projector screen should you be looking to buy? Let’s take a look at the biggest factors which will influence your decision.

The size and shape of your wall

The first thing to consider when you’re buying projector screens is the space where they’ll be located. For portable projector screens, this is less of an issue, but for fixed projector screens it will have a huge say in your decision making.

If your wall has windows or bends, you’ll need to measure up the available space and then consider whether it allows for a large enough projector for everyone in the room to be able to see it effectively.

When taking measurements of your available space, do consider that although a projector screen may be listed at 100”, you also have to take into account the frame around the projector screen. This varies from projector screen to projector screen, but might measure 3.5” on a normal screen. This adds a total of 7” both horizontally and vertically.

Keep this in mind when you’re shopping for a projector screen.

Your average viewing distances

Projectors are an affordable way to install huge screens in any space, but they’re no use if your guests are sitting too far back to enjoy them.

Naturally, a larger screen will allow for more people to be able to see and understand what’s happening on the screen. This is especially important when dealing with information-heavy slides, where text legibility is vital.

Take measurements of your room to find your ‘average’ viewing distance and enter those details into this calculator, which will determine the recommended viewing distance, maximum viewing distance and recommended viewing angles.

Your projector

Not all projectors are created equal, and so it’s important to consider how bright the output of your projector is before investing in the largest projector screen you can find.

Put simply, the brighter your projector is the more easily it can create bigger images. Consider how torches are brighter the smaller the surface area they’re asked to light is, and apply that logic to projectors.

Of course, many projectors list their ‘maximum’ image size in their instruction manuals, so check to see whether your projector can effectively project on to your chosen projector screen.


By keeping these elements in mind when you purchase your projector screen you ensure that not only does your screen fit within your space, but it’s visible to everyone and being effectively powered by your projector. To learn more, get in touch today.