Image credit: The Hitachi UHD7510 is an advanced touchscreen interactive panel designed to be as responsive as a tablet. The panel is good for 10-point multi-touch, which means you can theoretically use the 10 digits on your hand at the same time to perform various commands and gestures. The reality is you’ll use one, … Continue reading Hitachi UHD7510 75″ 4K Ultra HD Review

Visualisers allow a non-digital item to be displayed digitally by capturing an image of the item with an overhead camera. That image is then displayed on another device, such as a projector screen, interactive whiteboard or monitor. These devices are most useful for taking snapshots of paper documents, but they can capture much more than … Continue reading How to buy the right visualiser

In 1987, Epson developed and launched one of the world’s first compact full-colour projectors. The VPJ-700 was ahead of its time, presenting a video with liquid crystal panels instead of the traditional cathode-ray tube. This boosted output and video quality so much it revolutionised the projector market forever. Today, Epson is a household name in … Continue reading Epson Data Projectors Review

It wasn’t so long ago now that the idea of collaborative working was wheeling an A1 pad of paper into a room and breaking out the marker pens. Needless to say, the modern business environment has changed pretty dramatically since then. Telecommuting, teleconferencing and a new era of digital collaboration have meant that audio-visual technology … Continue reading Why No Serious Business Can Go Without Audio-Visual Installation

Like soup without a spoon, there isn’t much use in a projector if you don’t have a projector screen. Providing a smooth, non-reflective surface for projectors to create images upon, projector screens vastly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your projections and transform any space into one where a projector can thrive. It’s for that reason … Continue reading Pull Down or Portable – Your Guide to Projector Screen Types